Sunday 24 January 2016

Neurodiverse , not "anti-cure" : a false paradigm

People and publications will tell you that autism is a disease . They'll tell you it's bad parenting or epigenetics or vaccines depending on the current trend ... Funny isn't it how the supposed "cause" changes on a whim depending on who we are meant to blame for society's ills at any given time ? Firstly it's emotionally frigid mothers , then it's Big Pharma... I'm honestly wondering who is going to get blamed next ! 

Sorry to put a spanner in the works but autism isn't a disease . The autistic mind is just another natural variation of what a human mind is . Doesn't need to be a cause. 

We have a need for "autistic " or "Neurodiverse" to exist as a category , still, but for other reasons, like being able to talk about our lived experiences from a fixed point , and to work towards self advocacy, better healthcare, et cetera. This does not make "autism" a disease by default just because we put a name to it. 

In the press people talk about autism having "no cure" , or people are asked whether they are "pro-" or "anti-cure". I am not either . Why is that ?

Because it's not a disease or a disorder. 

By saying that I'm "anti" an autism cure, I am entering into and engaging with a false paradigm, one that suggests that being autistic is to be in a pathological state , whether or not one wishes to see it cured . It's time to blow this bullshit wide open and understand that autistic people have problems because of society and not because we are somehow sick or deficient in any way.


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